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Broken or Sprained- How an Xray Can Tell

Broken or Sprained- How an Xray Can Tell

doctor reading xray

If you’re injured and aren’t sure if you’ve broken a bone or just suffered a sprain, you need to get an Xray. An Xray makes it possible to look inside of the body to see if the bone is fractured or if the bone is intact. If you are in Dallas and want an accurate diagnosis of a broken bone, you can get an Xray done at Highland Park Emergency Room. You should get this testing done as soon as possible to find out if you need a cast because if the bone starts to heal on its own and does not heal correctly, it could need to be re-broken to be set.

How Does an XRAY Diagnose a Broken Bone?

Xrays must be performed by trained radiologists. You will be positioned by the radiologist so the correct pictures can be taken.  Only the soft tissue- like organs and skin- allow the Xray beams to pass through.   The denser materials, like the bones of the body, absorb the radiation that is being doctor and older man looking over xrayprojected in the thin beam.  The film is developed and it is easy to see where the beam passed through. The solid areas where it did not pass through are the bone structure, so the doctor can see where the bones are and whether they are broken. Broken bones should be set as soon as possible so the bone can begin healing in the correct position.

Getting An Accurate Diagnosis for a Fracture or Sprain

Highland Park Emergency Room both have diagnostic imaging technology and trained radiologists on staff. All of our physicians and nurses are emergency board certified, guaranteeing that they are ready for any and all emergencies. Visit these ERs if you suspect you may have a fracture so you can get the diagnosis you need, or contact us for more information today. 

Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accept Government Insurances, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Tri-Care.

This facility is a freestanding emergency medical care facility. The facility charges rates comparable to a hospital emergency room and may charge a facility fee. A facility or a physician providing medical care at the facility may be an out-of-network provider for the patient ’s health benefit plan provider network. A physician providing medical care at the facility may bill separately from the facility for the medical care provided to a patient. The facility is an out-of-network provider for all health benefit plans.

What Our Patients Are Saying:

The doctors and nurses here are so kind and prompt! I was becoming dangerously sick with the flu and they nursed me back to health quickly and respected everything I had to say! The front desk staff is time efficient, polite and helpful.

- Google Review from "Audra Bradley"

Three Dallas ER Locations to Serve You Faster:

5150 Lemmon Ave #108
Dallas, TX 75209
(214) 443-8131

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8007 Walnut Hill Ln.
Dallas, TX 75231
(214) 217-0911

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6101 E. Mockingbird Ln.
Dallas, TX 75214
(469) 372-2040

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